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Physical Therapy: 7 Tips for Back Pain Relief

Dr. Mark Freund
physiotherapist examining back

Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is an issue that plagues many people all over the world. So, what do you need when you’re suffering from constant back pain? Well, you need an effective and safe treatment (either pills or medical procedures) that can provide you with that much-needed pain relief. In this article, we talk about the treatments for various types of back pain. We will also discuss the role of physiotherapists and physiotherapy in relieving you of your back pain. Along with this, we’ll tackle tips that physical therapy can teach you to relieve back pain, the effects of physical therapy on back and neck pain, and the benefits and risks of each kind of therapy.

Tips for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is not only common, but a cure for it is not exactly readily available. This is because the severity and type of back pain can vary from person to person. One major advantage of physical therapy is that it does not follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, it caters to a patient’s specific needs and condition. Here are some tips that can help you find some relief from your back pain.

1. Stretch

Almost every person suffering from back pain should stretch their muscles once or twice a day as stretching and strengthening the supporting muscles of the back helps relieve pain. You should make a habit of stretching before any exercise where you have to lift heavy weights.

back stretch

In fact, you shouldn’t stop there. Stretch before you go to bed, after you wake up, and, most importantly, if you play sports. You need to stretch if you want to stay flexible and protect yourself from any serious injuries – specifically back injuries.

2. Maintain good posture

You’ve heard it time and time before – keep your back straight at all times. The reason for this piece of advice is simple; good posture doesn’t just make you look great, it can also provide you with relief from your back pain. Poor posture is one of the main causes of back pain, so keep your back healthy and pain-free by standing and sitting upright. Slouching and bending over puts a strain on the back and can alter the spine’s architecture, thus causing back pain. Good posture and back support while sitting are crucial, especially if you are in this position for several hours a day.

When you are sitting down, keep your posture in the same way as you would when you are standing, and make sure you are sitting on a comfortable chair that provides support to your lower back. Make sure your knees are slightly higher than your hips when you sit down and support yourself with your hands and feet when you stand up.

3. Stay Active

Sitting or lying in one place all day is definitely not good for your back. So, by running (or even walking) around or doing light stretches whenever you can, you’ll improve blood circulation in the back and also relieve the strain and pain that can occur due to inactivity.

4. Carry Less Weight

Sometimes, carrying heavy objects such as bags, boxes and other objects can put a strain on your back, especially if you’re lifting these items incorrectly. This can cause intense lower back pain, as that’s the part of the back that’s affected the most. A good tip here is to either carry less weight or distribute it equally so that you’re not shifting it from shoulder to shoulder.

Improper heavy lifting is another major cause of back pain, so when you pick up heavy objects, bend your knees and hold the object close to your body. Once you’re in this position, lift the object by straightening your knees. At no point should you bend over to pick the object as that will put unnecessary strain on your back.

Also, make sure that you do not twist your body when lifting. Avoid bending down sideways, shoulder-rounding, and shaking while standing. Protect your spine when you lift to keep it functional and healthy.

5. Stay Fit and Healthy

exercising at the gym

Those who have chronic back pain can benefit from certain adjustments to their daily lives. After all, it’s a well-known fact that your lifestyle has a big impact on your back pain. Back pain is usually short-lived and disappears by itself, but if you have chronic back pain, certain changes to your diet, exercise habits, and lifestyle can help to ease your pain and prevent future problems.

The most common back problems occur in people who don’t exercise. This lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, and the extra pounds can add a lot of weight that the back muscles then have to compensate for. This is especially true for elderly people.

Back pain occurs because the spine has degenerated, and it struggles when it works too hard. Staying fit is one of the best ways to prevent back pain, so keep your back muscles strong with regular exercise. While you’re at it, you should follow a diet that incorporates fewer calories and low-processed foods such as fruits and vegetables to help you stay healthy.

Once you have built up enough muscle strength in your back through exercise and keep your nutrition of the highest quality, the muscles of your spine will provide the support you need to stay healthy.

6. Reduce Stress and Sleep Better

Stress tends to make back pain worse. Reduce stress by treating yourself well. Give yourself a break from work and avoid engaging in other stress-inducing activities, as doing this will help you enjoy life a lot more. Reducing stress could be something as simple as following a healthy exercise routine, setting a time for daily meditation, trying out yoga, or simply, and most importantly, making sure you sleep well. Finding a good mattress, following a good diet, and having good sleeping habits all contribute to reducing the risks of a person developing chronic back pain or increasing its severity.

7. Heat and Cold Therapy

One of the easiest ways to relieve back pain and improve the effectiveness of physical therapies is to use the healing properties of heat and cold therapy.

ice pack for lower back pain

Depending on the type of pain you’re experiencing and the severity of the back injury, hot or cold therapies can also be used in physical therapy sessions to relieve pain.

Back Pain Solutions With Natural Care Chiropractic

Back and neck pain are terrible things to live with, and if you’re an unfortunate sufferer of these ailments, you need professional help immediately. Call Natural Care Chiropractic today to find out how physical therapy can help you live a pain-free life.

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Back Pain

In general, the goal of physical therapy is to reduce pain, increase mobility and functionality, and educate people about a maintenance program to prevent further relapses into back pain. Physiotherapists focus on pain relief as part of a long-term treatment plan for back pain and spinal cord injuries.

Regain Full Mobility

Physical therapists are trained professionals who will assess your back pain and suggest specific exercises to help you heal. They focus on relieving stiffness and cover everything from the way you move, walk or run and to how you position your body when sitting, reclining, or bending. It allows them to suggest exercises that reduce the movement that directly causes the pain. If the lower back is stiff, they can restore function by electrical stimulation. If your back muscles are weak, they will recommend exercises that strengthen them to help you regain full mobility.

Avoid Future Injuries

Physical therapy is a proactive way to resolve back pain. Physiotherapists not only treat the pain but also investigate the symptoms and treat them to ensure long-term pain relief and the prevention of potential injuries. If you are forced to repeat movements due to professional obligations or sporting activities, a physiotherapist will take these movements into account and suggest a recovery period after your games to avoid future back injuries.

This reduces the risk of further injuries and minimizes the impact of the injury on your body’s ability to recover. Physiotherapy is, therefore, the standard treatment for back pain and also an important part of the recovery process after a back injury.

Natural Pain Relief

physical therapy massaging back

Physical therapy for back pain aims to improve posture and movement to eliminate pain that a person is experiencing. Surgery should always be considered as a last resort. With the right combination of physical therapy and other treatments such as acupuncture, the need for surgery is often eliminated.

Improved Balance and Coordination

If you have a degenerative disease that increases the likelihood of falling, your physiotherapist will work out a plan to improve your balance and coordination. This reduces the risk of falling and minimizes the injury’s impact on the body’s ability to recover.

Physical Therapy Treatment for Back Pain

The treatment plan of a physiotherapist is very specific for each patient and can be used to restore mobility and functionality in said patients. Patients can expect to be thoroughly examined from head to toe as the therapist looks for signs and symptoms, such as stiffness and pain in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints that contribute to back pain.

For patients with very stiff backs, we teach them how to get out of bed, lift, bend, and use their legs and back correctly, so they avoid future back injuries. Physical therapy for back pain is more effective if the patient actively participates in their recovery. Qualified physiotherapists will use targeted therapy measures to alleviate pain and inflammation, improve blood flow, and restore freedom of movement.

If an episode of back pain continues for two to six weeks and the pain is severe, then physical therapy is recommended. Frequent relapses are a sign of a serious disease, such as spinal stenosis or even a spinal cord injury. If the treatment is carried out on the patient, it is considered passive therapy, while active physical therapy is necessary to rehabilitate the spine.

The early stages of physical therapy focus on gradual pain relief, which can include manual therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and other therapies, while the later stages of your treatment may involve muscle and joint rehabilitation that will be geared towards rapid pain relief.

physiotherapist giving massage to patient

Your physiotherapist will set up a training plan for your specific needs to help you ease your back pain as soon as you are ready for active physical therapy. You can train as often as you need until your back pain has subsided. By following this training plan consistently, you can improve your body’s physical health and overall well-being.

The therapist will focus on treating the main cause of your back pain to ensure that you get your mobility and functionality back. If you follow the treatment plan provided, you will find that physical therapy can effectively reduce or even eliminate back pain completely.

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Dr. Lauren Hedrix
Dr. Lauren Hedrix
19. Feb. 2021


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