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Dr. Mark Freund

Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

treatment for migraine

Acupuncture for Migraines

Acupuncture is an extremely safe treatment method and can effectively reduce both the frequency and the intensity of migraine attacks. This technique restricts the acupuncture points present in the arms and legs, thereby triggering pain-relieving effects. Once a suitable needle has been identified for the acupuncture point, the patient needs to rest the needle for at least a couple of weeks to ensure that the stagnation along the meridian is eliminated, and consequently, alleviate migraine symptoms.

Migraines can not only cause pain but a host of other unpleasant symptoms, including dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. Depending upon the severity of the condition, migraines might require a minimum of two weekly acupuncture sessions for a period of up to six months. Having said that, if your problem is a minor one, we might well be able to help you get rid of it in a single visit. Regardless of the length of your migraine struggles, our acupuncture migraine specialists will develop a personalized treatment protocol that will help you optimize your body’s healing potential.

Acupressure Points for Migraines

A severe migraine or headache can reduce efficiency and disrupt your daily routine. If you struggle with regular migraines, there are certain pressure points that could help suppress a flare-up. This approach can be effectively used in combination with acupressure and other treatment methods. Acupressure is a natural way of targeting the pressure sores in your head and instilling pain relief without the need for medication.

Since acupressure is a natural treatment method, it is also completely safe, alongside being highly effective at reducing headaches and stress. Furthermore, you can use pressure points to halt a potential migraine attack in its tracks. This article will cover the basics of acupressure, how it helps achieve headache and migraine relief, and the four acupressure points for migraines and headaches.

In many ways, acupressure is quite similar to acupuncture. The only difference is that, instead of using needles, acupressure applies pressure using just fingertips. There are four pressure points that can be leveraged to treat headaches, migraines, and even abdominal pains. For instance, the pressure point present in your upper trapezius is considered one of the best pressure points for migraines and headaches. This is because this pressure point, situated in our lower and upper backs, houses our bodies’ natural energies. Acupressure can play a therapeutic role in ongoing migraines and a preventative role for future ones.

acupressure point for migraines

Next, we will be taking a closer look at the most essential acupressure points for migraines. In addition, we will also be discussing the various techniques and instruments used in this treatment method:

  • The neck is a highly sensitive region in our bodies, and plays a very important role in acupressure for various kinds of pains. Try pushing your fingers into the points located on your neck, shoulder, and back. Massaging these points for a few minutes will signal your body to ease the pressure contained in them and relieve you of your headaches.

  • Other pressure points for headache relief are present at the back of the head, along the spine, and behind your ears. In fact, the entire area from the head to the neck contains several trigger points that can ease migraines and headaches – particularly cluster headaches.

  • The point situated between your index finger and thumb is known as the Ll4 pressure point. For millennia, this point has been effectively used for treating many different types of headaches. This region between your thumb and index finger is also called the ‘Union Valley’, and should be used in conjunction with the other pressure points for headaches and migraines. If you constantly suffer from migraines, you should massage the Union Valley multiple times in a day.

  • The pressure points between the big and the second toe are useful in addressing temple pain. If your migraine is focused more towards the temple, you can use these points to get relief. In addition, these points are also useful for other forehead-related aches and pains, as well as for sinus pain and toothaches.

Is Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine Beneficial?

As we mentioned, acupuncture is highly safe and effective at dealing with all kinds of chronic and acute migraines and headaches. According to a recent study, acupuncture treatment led to considerable reduction in both the severity and incidence of migraines, and helped improve the participants’ quality of life.

acupuncture treatment for migraines

One of the biggest benefits of acupuncture is that patients can experience relief without having to deal with the unpleasant – and often nasty – side-effects associated with conventional pain medicines. Studies suggest that acupuncture can relieve migraines – even though the sustainability of this effect is still in question. Regardless of the extent of relief, there have been no reported side-effects stemming from acupuncture treatments. In fact, acupuncture has been associated with several long-term benefits. If you are struggling from chronic headaches or migraines, acupuncture can serve as a primary, complementary, and/or alternative treatment method for your woes.

Is Acupuncture Effective?

According to the study on Acupuncture and Its Role in the Treatment of Migraine Headaches, Neurol Ther 2020 study that involved a year-long randomized control trial, acupuncture – compared to sham acupuncture, drugs, and placebo – resulted in a reduction in symptoms for people suffering from chronic migraine. According to the same organization that conducted this study, acupuncture was able to significantly reduce headaches. Compared to sham acupuncture, genuine acupuncture exhibited marked reductions in pain. Hence, we can summarize that acupuncture is a useful treatment method for migraines, and can be utilized by doctors or physiotherapists.

man suffering from a migraine

Every study performed on migraine acupuncture has focused on targeted treatments like conventional and manual acupuncture. We believe that the best time to try out acupuncture for your migraines is within the first two weeks after your symptoms first show up. Acupuncture is not only beneficial for acute and chronic pain, but this non-invasive and holistic approach is also highly useful for a wide range of other conditions.

If you wish to consult one of our acupuncture physicians or learn more about the technique and how it can benefit you, please visit our website.

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